Montessori Grammar for

Minecraft Fans

Do you have a Minecraft fan?

Are you looking for them to learn the different parts of speech so they can create more sophisticated sentences and be able to identify nouns, adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions and more?

This course combines the highly effective Montessori visual approach to learning grammar and parts of speech with a Minecraft theme* to engage your child in a topic they love.

Watch a sample of our first class:

In the Montessori approach to grammar, each part of speech is allocated a colour and a corresponding symbol which creates a concrete, visual representation of them, making them easier to understand and remember. Each symbol is used for a specific reason, and there is a short story or explanation that goes along with it to appeal to your child's imagination, and with manipulatives in the form of word cards and cut out symbols, they are able to start forming their own sentences with structure.

By the end of the course, your child will know all the parts of speech and be able to write some great sentences about their favourite Minecraft mods and more!

Everything you need to help your child learn the 9 parts of speech!

Each week you will receive a pre-recorded video class to watch which explains the part or parts of speech we are learning about that week. You will also receive a workbook that accompanies the lesson which recaps the lesson and the symbol used and then we have some phrases or sentences to practice identifying the parts of speech.

BONUS: In addition to the lesson and workbook, you will also receive a printable each week which includes word cards for the new type(s) of words introduced that week, as well as some printable symbols which you can cut out and laminate to use in further practice.

About the teacher

Hi, I'm Sophie and I'm really excited to be teaching this course! I'm a qualified Montessori primary teacher (6-12 year olds), and a former Headteacher. I have taught many children in person over the years, and they have always loved this approach to learning grammar - I love it too! It's so fun and hands on and they can go back to it over and over again, empowered to make new phrases and sentences of their own.

Since the pandemic, I have been teaching children online using Montessori methods, and have seen some great results, so I'm really excited to be offering this for your family.


WEEK 1: Nouns

In this first week, we will learn an engaging story about the history of the noun, and why we use a black pyramid (triangle), like the pyramids of Egypt, to represent it. We will look at identifying many different objects (nouns) in Minecraft.

WEEK 2: Noun Family

We will meet the other members of the Noun Family this week - Articles and Adjectives, and we will have another story about why the articles and adjectives come together with the noun to create a family of words (a phrase).

WEEK 3: Verbs

In this week, we will learn all about the words that give energy and movement to the Noun Family, just like the Sun is the source of our energy. We will learn that adding verbs to a phrase transforms it into a sentence, and can be a sentence all on their own. We will briefly touch on verb tenses.

WEEK 4: Adverbs

In Week 4, we learn that the words that describe verbs are called adverbs. At the end of this class, as in every class, students can practice identifying each part of speech in a sentence, and they will also learn different patterns of symbols (and parts of speech) to see how powerful and fun using these words can be.

WEEK 5: Prepositions & Pronouns

In Week 5 we will learn how to use words to describe where something is in space, place and time. We learn that where we put the preposition is important, and that it bridges the noun to other words in the sentence, which is why we use a green crescent shape to indicate prepositions. We also cover pronouns, and how they are cousins of the Noun family, so they are the same shape but a little different.

WEEK 6: Conjunctions & Interjections

In our final week, we will discover that conjunctions link phrases and clauses together and that a link that is pink is the symbol we use to identify them. We will also learn that to express big emotions, we can use a word called an interjection (I find this is a favourite for children!), and the Montessori grammar symbol for that.

New lessons each week

The lessons are kept short, and offer a lot of practice in the parts of speech being learned. You can practice each part of speech and the word cards and symbols for as long as you feel you need to until your child has a good grasp of the concept.

Each week for the 6 week duration of this course, a new lesson, workbook and printables will drop into your course area, which you can pick up at any time you want.

Got questions? We've got answers!

How Minecraft-themed is this course?

The course is completely Minecraft-themed, and every example and practice opportunity, as well as all of the word cards provided are all related to Minecraft. Please note, however, that this is, as per Mojang's Terms and Conditions, we are obliged to state very obviously that this is : NOT OFFICIAL MINECRAFT PRODUCT. NOT APPROVED BY OR ASSOCIATED WITH MOJANG

Do we need to be using a Montessori approach to use this?

No, you do not. Anyone can use this approach to learning the parts of speech.

What are the benefits of this approach to learning the parts of speech?

Having a visual and tactile representation of each part of speech, as well as an accompanying story or explanation as to why the symbol is used is a very effective way to help children learn something that is normally quite abstract to them. Being able to play with the different patterns of speech will also help them to create better, more sophisticated sentences in their writing.

Can this be extended beyond the Minecraft theme?

Absolutely it can! We actually encourage it so that children learn about all different kinds of words that fall under each category and part of speech. This is really just the beginning of a great adventure into language. With the basics of these language skills, you can also start to analyse how authors and poets use language in their writing, develop your own writing style and also use the same approach to learn the differences in sentence structure and word placement in other languages too.

Where can I ask other questions?

Just email Sophie at if you have any other questions about this!

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